Welcome to the game Glad to hear you're enjoying it. The learning curve is pretty steep but often even that phase is reasonably enjoyable, and there's hundreds or even thousands of hours of fun (and !!Fun!!, though it doesn't have to be that) to be had after that. Given the amount of time this one's had to develop, I'd say it's superior to all our other games (for now). Though obviously personal taste is a pretty dominant factor.
Anyway, yea, Kahuna's guide is a good one to open your eyes to a number of things about the game that might otherwise take a while to find out. And the various AARs are good sources of just learning about the game if you find them entertaining to read (they often are, particularly if you like to cackle with glee when the RNG or AI does something particularly uncomfortable to the player -- er, not that anyone here fits that description).
If you're looking for pointers on your first game setup, there are two approaches that come to mind:
1) Pick the "Beginner Game" lobby script, pick a homeworld with a bonus ship type you want to try out, and hit Start Game. This will give you a very simple and very easy (relatively, in both cases) scenario that is nonetheless a full game.
2) Or you can just do what some of the crazier (and insanely competent) players around here did for their first games and just turn on EVERYTHING and learn by dying. I suspect this is useful for a minoirty of players, but it could be fairly entertaining. For you I think that could lead to some damaged computing equipment, however. Losing is one thing; losing without understanding what happened is usually harder to take.
If you're looking for pointers on the game itself, what specifically?
Aha, yes, Kahuna's guide is just the sort of thing I was looking for. The defenses bit in particular and game setup stuff will help, as I indeed do not really need the keyboard embedded in the wall currently or something along that line. I'm no stranger to difficulty though, being used to things like this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=vuOQBL1T2o8#t=105s so I likely should be fine, heh. The game does a good job of making it easy to understand things, so that helps alot. Usually if I'm gonna get all irritated it's when stuff isnt making sense (or just outright isnt working!) I'm betting this game probably aint too buggy at this point, having been out as long as it has been, so that's good.
One question presents itself, as either the tutorial didn't explain it, or it did explain it and I either didn't notice or just forgot, but how does "supply" work? I see that mentioned in various places, that such and such thingy needs supply in order to do whatever.
Currently I'm still in the tutorial. didn't get much time with it today. I'll read into the guide and other stuffs here more once I've finished that bit.
BTW, did you manage to come up with a way to play AI War using a controller? If so, I would be very interested in your solution...
Well, theoretically my usual controller-to-mouse setup that I use for games like Minecraft would work, but it would be a bit awkward and I'd have to pause alot due to "mouse" inaccuracy, as having that aspect during RTS combat would be an unhappy thing indeed. That sorta setup uses the godforsaken nightmare program "Motioninjoy" to run a PS3 controller and JoyToKey (which is really good and useful) to convert it to both mouse and keyboard. It's useful for alot of games.
Lately though my physical issue has gotten alot better thanks to PT (and strong pain meds like cyclobenzaprine); I've even jumped into some of the moba games like Dota 2 and LoL, which are fine so long as I dont try to do more than about an hour of them at a time, because of rapid clicking. Wouldnt have been able to do them at all a year ago. I still get my damn headaches and other pain, but I dont get the horrible nerve pain in my arm too much now. So, I figured, I can finally get back to games like this. Been playing alot of strategy games as a whole lately because of that!
So for now, as long as I dont go nuts with it and as long as I dont try to push it when I AM having pain, I can just use the mouse mostly normally.
....now if only I could stop being so bloody inaccurate with the damn thing. Always have been, just misclicks everywhere.