Ok, assuming text labels needed to be fixed, what would be a nice set? I'm thinking:
ARS - Advanced Research Station
ST - Super Terminal
CP - Co-Processor
BH - Blackhole Generator
AF - Advanced Factory
<A>, <B>, etc. - Core Shield Generators
SF - Super Fortress
EYE - AI Eye
RE - Raid Engine
NRC - Neinzul Rocketry Core
DS - Dyson Sphere
SSS - Sub-space Signal (Fallen Spire)
GOL - Broken Golem
FAB - Experimental or Core Fabricator (These can be combined on the filter imo)
ZPG - Zenith Power Generator
This list would of course need a prioritization process, which we could argue about endlessly.. in one of my multi-player games we have a planet renamed Wowee. 1 Golem, 3 Fabricators and a ZPG - it's on the take list for some reason.