Most melee ships (especially cutlass; vampires seem okayish), armour ship, z elec bombers (especially it having neutron hull makes it useless vs forts, insta-killable), gravity ripper (squished between gravity drainers and paralyzer; only halts engine, single shot, expensive, only 52 spd), sentinel frigates (snipers are better, ignore ff), spiders, and teleport battle stations. Spire battleships, leeches, teleporting leeches, z bombards are on the edge.
Forcefield bearers, blade spawners, autobombs, nanoswarm, and munition boosters tend to be my top-picked (notice those are mostly utility units), and fleet ships... generally anything that can be spammed without crashing the economy or too-severely biasing the usage of one resource, while of course being a decent unit. I rarely choose low-cap ship types, high-cost low-use ships, or any of the direct melee ships. Range is also significant because I often run a fleet ball.