-Interplanetary Blackhole Machine Guardpost
Is a Blackhole Machine on steroids + Attritioner. Makes it impossible to escape from the planet it is on and from all planets 2 hops away. The player can only move towards the IBM (IMB
) until it's destroyed. The powerful gravitation field generated by the IBM also slowly but surely tears apart all enemy ships (attrition). When viewing a planet with an Attritioner the screen is red. This could make the effected planets blueish/purpleish so the player knows there's something nasty.
-Attritioner Guardpost: Planet wide DPS on all enemy (human) ships.
-Sniper Guardpost: High damage, long reload, fires 5*Damage railguns.
-Tractor Beam Guardpost: Mobile, heavily armored and very tough. Is armed and has 150 Tractor Beams. Weapons have 3500 range and tractor beams 3000. Moves slowly.
2 new burtal picks.
-AI Nuclear Missile Silo
any of the core planets of xAI is alerted Launches Mark I and/or II Nuclear Warheads every 10 minutes. Primarily aims sends the missile to destroy the attacking human ships. When/if there are no human military ships near by the warhead will target the player's planets.
-Hunter/Seeker Factory
Sends a swarm of Hunter/Seeker Drones every 30 minutes to find and destroy the player. The number of H/S Drones sent is AIPFloor*Difficulty. When the AI home planet becomes alerted the Guardposts sends a swarm immediatelly and keeps sending a swarm every 10 minutes.
H/S Drone stats
Mark VHull type: Swarmer
Health: 16000
Cap health at 85 AIP on Diff 7: 9520000
Cap health at At 85 AIP on Diff 10: 13600000
Engine Health: 1000
Armor: 2500
Speed: 84
Ammo type: Laser
Range: 4000
Damage: 3*412
Reaload: 3
DPS: 412
Cap DPS at 85 AIP on Diff 7: 245140
Cap DPS at At 85 AIP on Diff 10: 350200
Damage Multipliers: 1,8 Turret, 1,8 Structural
Abilities: Absorbs EMPs, Armor Piercing 1500
Immunities: Nuclear Explosion, EMPs
Energy cost: 290