Even though I am not the one who has made these things in the past, I think it is about time to start on the next one.
I will gather some of the ones I see here, and any other people want to submit, and package them up into a mantis entry.
These can be from simple typos, to innacurate descriptions, to even descriptions missing important information.
Here are some of the ones I can think of; I will update as I think of more
-Some of the ship types still call their Mk. V variants core (Core Neinzul youngling firefly, Core Zenith Reprocessor, and others)
-The short form of the Neinzul Youngling Firefly is Y Firefly, as opposed to the standard Yng X of all the other Neinzul types
-Regen golems and neinzul scapegoats need to state in their description what they are unable to regenerate