Note that anyone who wants to help out, the 'Ship Stats Tables' you see on the ship pages are automatically created through an automated script (that I'm currently tweaking for the new expansion so I have not updated any ships recently) so any changes made to those tables will be lost the next time they get updated.
Why is this script needed?
This script automates updating the changes made to the ship statistics when a patch comes out. Rather then having to go to each page manually and make the updates by hand, this script will update everything in a couple minutes with a button press. The limitation being that only the stats table is updated, the script does not touch the ship description at the top of the page.
I decided to automate it because every a normal patch can have a dozen ships that have changed stats, and a big update like the Starship or the Guard Post one can have several dozen.
Add in the armor rework coming down the pipe that will require updating all ship pages (which is over 200 at this point I'm pretty sure), automating it just made sense.
Why does this script need to be updated and how are you tweaking it?
The current version of the script makes a text string I have to manually copy-paste onto each ship page. I'm tweaking it so it can update everything in one go automatically. (See below)
"any changes made to those tables will be lost" Would the update simply remove all the stats or restore the old ones?
Because I am automating it, the entire table gets refreshed when I update the table for a ship. (More details below)
When will this update happen?
I run the update manually when a patch is released, usually within 24 hours, as it requires running on my local machine (it's in a Microsoft Access Database).
How often does this update happen?
(Same question as 'When'?)
For more details see the
Fighter page.
If you go into edit mode, everything that is actually on that page is editable and will not be lost because of this automated script.
Note however the stats table does not show, rather the {{AIWarTableFighter}} is a link to another page that has the stats table.
A limitation of the Wiki is that to automatically update a page, I have to update the
entire page, I can't just update part of a page.
To work around this, the {{Fighter}} page is the human-edited part and not touched by the script, when the {{AIWarTableFighter}} page is the automated part and gets wiped and recreated when I upload any changes.
Note that this is not finalized yet if you think something needs changing. I did the fighter page manually to show how I'm intending this to work, the script itself is not up and running yet. (This also means only the Fighter page has the link at this point, I have yet to create the link to the ship stats for the other ship pages yet.)
In short, you can make changes to the ship page itself and nothing will be lost. It is the AIWarTable page that I'm updating with the script and any changes you make there will be lost when the script runs. (In the current setup anyway, I am open to suggestions if you have some ideas.)