Hey all,
I guess you can call me a new recruit to the ongoing Human - AI wars.
I admit, it took me two tries with the demo before I was hooked. The first time (months back) it didn't really 'click' with me, but this second time it really got under my skin. To be fair, I don't think I gave it a fair shake the first time - I found the graphics to be off-putting (yes, I can be shallow that way), and I thought the game was all about spamming your way to victory. But the second time I DL'ed the demo (I was hungry for some fresh spacey action after reading White/Weber's
On Death Ground), I finished the beg tutorial all the way through and realized there is a lot more going on here than a "spam your way to victory" approach. As I worked my way through a three hour demo campaign, I found myself thinking about tactics and strategy even when I wasn't playing - something very few games manage to achieve in this day and age.
So I decided to take the plunge and picked up both AI War and Zenith Remnant over at GamersGate (both in a 20% off bundle - can't beat that!).
I think what I like best about AI War is how it has managed to capture the essence of one of my favorite sci-fi series of all time, Fred Saberhagen's Berzerker Wars. Other 4X sci-fi games include the requisite machine race, but I think only AI War has managed to truly capture the hostility of a truly implacable AI menace, partly because no diplo is possible with it, and partly because the AI comes across as refreshingly intelligent and flexible compared to other games. It almost feels like a Chess AI in that regards. And like a good Chess AI, this game's AI (and the tower defense mechanics, too) makes the experience all the more intriguing because it feels like you're not just playing
against the AI, but also
with the AI (like an opponent sitting across the game board from you). This is quite an achievement.
AI War also reminds me of the classic, old school wargames like Harpoon or TACOPS, where elegant design and deep gameplay were job #1, rather than the layers and layers of glitz that is piled on top of a game these days. Yeah, at first I was put off by the sprites, but then I came to appreciate them with a bit of nostalgia.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for such a great game at such a great price! I find it ironic that $50 RUSE is sitting on my HD, while $23 AI/ZR is getting all my attention.
I can't wait for 4.0 and Unity!
BTW: Were Saberhagen's Berserkers an influence for this game?
PS: Congrats on the new member of the family, Mr. & Mrs. Park!