I actually haven't voted yet - not sure if the numbers are at the top of the acceptable difficulty range, or somewhat beyond it. This ties into the rewarding mechanisms:
- is the top reward for most nebulas 2 modules, or 3 modules? I've been getting 2 on every successful finish, in a "reasonable" amount of time.
- Are we expecting the possibility that no starbases are lost? I've been consistently losing 1 or 2 small starbases, except for the dyson one (0).
If we do expect that for most scenarios the "best"-case win is no-starbases lost/reasonably fast and 3 modules, then the spawn amount should be tweaked lower to make it possible at Frigate/low Destroyer hulls. Conversely, if the best for some scenarios are 2-modules anyway, I think the numbers are okay in order to preserve the chance of a failed nebulae mission. There isn't quite enough lee-way in most scenarios to make 4-tiers possible, i.e. fail, 1/2/3 modules. So, each scenario could be weighted to give fail/2/3 or fail/1/2...