And no, ultra-low-AIP as a playstyle is not going away. The non-Lazy-AI option just makes it less desirable to stay ultra-low all the way to the end.
Still, either "normal" AIP level should be doable, or scale waves to represent reinforcements level or something.
Players learning the game will probably use waves caps (I did) and strength to gauge the level of the AI, and it's completely inaccurate, either because the caps shown do not correspond to the AI power level, or because waves are irrelevant as AIP gets higher compared to reinforcements.
There certainly has been a drift in what AIP levels you can get away with, and this is largely due to the fact that unless the game is hard on 100 AIP it will never get hard for anyone who's really watching their AIP like a hawk.
I'm sure there are plenty of solutions for this :
- Multiply AIP by AI level = real AIP used for wave and reinforcements.
- Mutiply AIP by AI level squared = real AIP used for wave and reinforcements.
- Start high diff AIP higher than lower diff
- Make the "minimum" AIP level dependant on difficulty level.
- Multiply AIP gains depending on the diff level (lvl 10 = 40 AIP for a system, lvl 7 = 20 AIP for a system, number are indicative and not by any means meant as "real balanced values" to be used in a game).
- Multiply the knowledge needed to beat up the AI (to clarify, make it so about 36k knowledge cannot beat the AI, that you need 45k or 60k to finish a game, possibly only for higher diff levels).
There are probably loads of other ideas on the other threads though.
Yet, the question I asked at first was, is that drift even intended ? While I can understand caring about the most hardcore, there are others which just may not want to delve into that much tactics for what should be an easy game (diff 7...). Not getting to 400 AIP with the recent changes after the first AI kill means taking less than about 16 worlds. Half of those are needed for Core Shield Generators. And, that amount is irrelevant to whatever the map size is, making what is still "standard" 80 size way more difficult than 40 size maps.
400 AIP - 10 (start) - 10 (guard posts + ressources + some zeniths) - 180 (First AI) + 80 (DC) + 40 (CP)
= 320
= 16 * 20 (worlds).
180 for an AI, I think I saw 10 AIP for 8 guard post + 100 for the AI. I may be wrong, I did not re-check... still the point would remain as the number of capturable planets may vary from 16 to about 20. It's still a very low amount IMO.
I'm also assuming that I do not put any auto AI progress, and never fail to defend anything that could give AIP (trains ?). AFAIK, AI superterminals are not in every game, so I do not count them in.
Is capturing less than about 16 world with a pretty good knowledge about how to defend your world, real good knowledge of the game mechanics (Alert mechanisms, Core fabs, adv research stations, core shields, behaviour of the threat AI versus heavy defense...), "world hopping", managing every defense of a unit or building that could give AIP a boost, barely using any warhead even intended for what is a mere 7/7 game ? Which is still (AFAIK) the default diff level that is presented when starting the game for a first time, and the "lower" achievement for beating an AI type.
PS : edits for spellchecks.