I've been playing for over two years, and today I had my first victory! I can't believe how good it feels to be able to say that, finally.
I played a fairly simple game, 80 planets realistic, 7/7 vanilla AI, with only Zenith Traders and Human Colony Rebellions enabled. I usually play with Golems on medium but I wanted to see how I did without them. Because I like starships a lot, I decided to play a game where I didn't spend any knowledge on fleet ships. I let the RNG pick my bonus ship and ended up with laser gatlings. They became the primary escort for my starship fleet for most of the game.
I spent the first couple of hours scouting and building up my starship fleet. There were two ARS three hops away from my homeworld, which I quickly took. I received vorticular cutlasses and Stealth Battleships from them. I had never used cutlasses before today, but I may choose them again in another game. I used caps of them, along with the Laser Gatlings, to clear out border worlds and cheaply defend against waves. They were useful right until the endgame.
I found and captured a few Fabricators: Gravity Rippers V, Electric Shuttles V, Heavy Bomber Starship V, and my personal favorite, the Spire Starship V. The Mk V Spire Starship: for when you want it dead, real dead. The Gravity Rippers were underwhelming, combining slow movement with short range. They were moderately useful on defense, not so much on offense. I enjoyed using the electric shuttles a lot. They were particularly useful at clearing out threatballs and trapped waves.
The planet with the Mk V spire starship fabricator also had an experimental engineers fabricators. They were amazing. That is all.
I got Blade Spawners, autobombs, and Neinzul nanoswarms to round out my fleet. By the time I was ready to assault the AI Homeworlds, I had unlocked Mk III of every starship and captured a Starship IV factory. I had also built up a substantial mercenary fleet. One of the side benefits of using primarily starships for offense is a lot of extra resources that build up quickly. I felt confident but had a few problems.
The first AI Homeworld had a core raid engine, while the second had a core CPA post. I decided to go for the one with the raid engine first, since I thought it might be easier to deal with. It was, to a certain point. There was an Ion Eye on the Homeworld. I couldn't get close to the Raid Engine it with Raid Starships the first two times I tried, so in the end I took the entire starship fleet in and destroyed it. In the process, I destroyed most of the other guard posts and about 300 Mk V ships while losing about a fourth of the fleet. After spending some time rebuilding, I went back and finished destroying all the guard posts, before moving my fleet into position to assault the other homeworld. This one didn't have an Eye so I just brought in the entire fleet.
I destroyed the first AI command station with about 6 minutes left on the CPA timer and packed what remained of the fleet into transports. I had to get to the other homeworld quickly, to finish the job. As you can see from the screenshot, I made it just in time.
Whew. I think I need something strong to celebrate.