Occasionally I end up in a situation where AI ships run rampant all over one of my planets, destroying my harvesters. I'm sure this situation isn't entirely foreign to the rest of you
Though auto-rebuild doesn't rebuild my harvesters until all enemy ships are dead, I've often found it's worthwhile to rebuild my harvesters manually (with ctrl+click) even while enemy ships are attacking. Some of the harvesters will get killed while building, of course. The harvesters that get shot, waste a decent amount of enemy time (and some ammo) getting to the ~100 HP harvester, and don't cost me hardly any resources. The harvesters that don't get shot, finish rebuilding quicker once the threat goes away. So either way, I feel I benefited from the action.
Should auto-rebuild just happen automatically every 10 seconds, regardless of enemy ships on the planet, to reduce micromanagement? Or is this a cheap trick I'm taking advantage of?