General Category > AI War Classic


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Would someone explain what kiting actually does?  I can see (many) recommendations in the forum to turn on kiting -- I'm using a value of 1000 -- but I'm a little confused about what that means.  Is it that my auto-kiting ships will move to X - 1000 from their target (if X is their attack range)?

...and why is it called kiting?  I"ve not come across the term in other games.


The short answer is it keeps your troops moving away from the enemy so that your troops can shoot but ideally are out of range of the enemy.


--- Quote from: x4000 on July 27, 2016, 03:13:04 pm ---The short answer is it keeps your troops moving away from the enemy so that your troops can shoot but ideally are out of range of the enemy.

--- End quote ---
Okay... but what does the value in the auto-kiting box mean, please?

Distance in pixels to stay away, I believe.  I don't use it.

Lord Of Nothing:
The Value in the box is the range threshold for which ships should use the auto-kiting behaviour- ships with a main weapon range higher thatn that will, ships with a lower range won't. IIRC, anyway.


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