In an earlier post, there was a list of goals for "utility ratios" for each ship cap. However, utility is a very difficult thing to nail down numerically.
The purpose of this post is to see if we can provide formula giving a
very rough estimation of utility for military ships.
So, here is the framework I can think of off the top of my head.
Warning, math ahead.for any military unit type s,
overall_utility(s) = (defensive_utility_weight * defensive_utility(s) + offensive_utility_weight * offensive_utility(s) + mobility_utility_weight * mobility_utility(s) - (economic_penalty_weight * economic_cost(s))) * rarity_multiplier(s)
Hopefully, most of the constant and function names should be obvious.
The only thing I can think of that would require explaination is the rarity_multiplier.
Basically, its a multiplier based on how likely a player will get their hands on that ship type in a random game, with always available ships having the max value, and bonus ships having max value / 1.3 (per Keith's balance reference
Basically, ships that are less likely to be seen and/or harder to get your hands on better be more useful in return.
I'm not going into exact formulas for each of the "sub-functions", but my ideas for them are
defensive_utility: Scales multiplicatively with ship cap and defensive attributes, and linearly with HP and armor (though armor would be divided by some value to make it "less" of a factor, representing that armor doesn't usually help durability as much as more HP does).
Notice that speed is NOT in this category.
Defensive attributes are special properties of the ship that can impact defensive viability, like cloaking, radar dampening, sniper immunity, takes extra damage on enemy planets, etc. Each attribute would have a different value associated with it, representing how much that attribute aids or detracts from defensive utility.
offensive_utility: Scales multiplicatively with ship cap and offensive attributes, and linearly with a weighted average DPS.
The weighted average DPS would be composed of three factors, average DPS (DPS averaged over their hull bonuses over the summed ship cap of all units with that hull bonus (special measures taken for ships with infinite caps)), non-bonus DPS, and max-bonus DPS (their DPS against their best hull bonus). Each one of these would be weighted differently based on how relevant each measure of DPS is to actual viability. Presumably, average DPS would have the highest weight, and max-bonus DPS having the lowest.
Notice, speed and range are NOT in this category.
Offensive attributes are special properties of the ship that can impact offensive viability, like forcefield immunity, armor piercing, radar dampening immunity, etc. Each attribute would have a different value associated with it, representing how much that attribute aids or detracts from offensive utility.
mobility_utility: would scale multiplicatively with mobility attributes, and logarithmically with speed and weapon range.
I'm really sure if speed should be linear instead, range should be linear, or both. The idea behind the logarithmically idea is that beyond some value, extra speed or extra range doesn't add that much more to a unit.
Note, ship cap does NOT factor into this. How much range and speed helps a ship is largely independent of how many of those ships there are. If needed though, some smallish ratio of ship cap scaling can be added in
Mobility attributes are special properties of the ship that can impact mobility, like gravity immunity, tractor beam immunity, speed boost immunity, etc. Each attribute would have a different value associated with it, representing how much that attribute aids or detracts from mobility utility.
economic_cost: Consists of two parts. The first part scale multiplicatively with ship cap and linearly with mineral, and crystal, and energy costs and logarithmically with build time. The second part would scale linearly with a weighted sum of given knowledge cost (how much knowledge to unlock that ship itself) and effective knowledge cost (how much to unlock the ship itself and all prerequisite unlocks). Sum the two parts together to get this cost
Notice that there are a LOT of constants to be determined. Rough guesses will do, as this is mostly to give a "baseline" utility.
Also, this model poorly handles non-military ships or ships with a VERY wacky attributes (like decoys, Zenith viral shredders, Spire gravity wells, regenerator golems).
But hopefully this will help point out ships that are an order of magnitude more or less useful than their balance goal.