That tactic is effective, but I dont see how it requires the zevastator in particular. You would get the same effect with most ships if target not under shield, and raiders are always there if target under shield.
Disclaimer: the wiki doesn't cover Devastators yet, and I don't have the game in front of me. My numbers may be wrong.
The difference: I'm not particularly good (at the moment) at keeping the raider starships alive long enough against guard posts. I'll be practicing that, but in the meantime the Devastator is much more 'alpha strike' focused, has triple the base DPS of the raid starship, and about eight times the base health (only 2x if damage is less than the 90,000 armor).
I'm planning to get some more practice with Raid Starships in the next game, sure (and need to review that Raid only AAR that's hanging around somewhere), but I've had much higher fatality rates so far with the new raids against guard posts. I've heard that people have used them quite well, but my game is a bad setup for experimenting with them.