If you wanted to discuss it, you could always bump the 'rules regarding profanity' thread up in the stickies list. You can never go wrong with intelligently stated arguments to support your point if you feel you have a valid case for being able to swear like a sailor or quote all the dialogue of a Tarantino movie.
I'm ambivalent about it myself. I've helped to moderate some large forums in the past and I've had to enforce rules that I didn't necessarily agree with, although I did see the reasoning behind them. Although it may not apply as much to AI War, since I think it tends towards attracting an older demographic of gamer who likes long thoughtful games, there may be younger people still under their parents' rules reading the forums. If mommy sees little Timmy reading something on the internet and glances over his shoulder to see a post full of George Carlin's seven words, she may tell little Timmy he's not allowed to read that forum or use the internet or play that filthy AI War game ever again. (Ok that's a silly example, but tell me there aren't moms out there just like that.)
And while those words may not be offensive to you or me or even Chris or Keith or 99% of the population of the forums, some people do find them upsetting. Sure, some people just look for things to be offended by. But other people just have an uncontrollable bad reaction to swearing. Either from their upbringing, or their religious background, or whatever. There's no reason these people shouldn't feel welcome if they stop by these forums. We want to expand the fan base after all, not drive people away. But again, they may randomly click on a post, see someone mouthing off, and decide this just isn't for them.
Chris had several other good points on it in that thread I mentioned. But really my main point is my original one, when I go to someone else's house, I try to abide by their rules. The metaphor is a bit stretched to cover a web forum, but I don't think it's completely broken.
So anyway, how about them AIs?