Hey! Don't make more than one page thread while I'm looking away!
Overhaul one MF? Ast...
OTHER than Astro Trains
Damnit! (
Neinzul Roaming Enclaves
Neinzul Preservation WardensLet start this report by saying I love the Neinzul and these two MF are among my favorite, lore wise.
Now for the gameplay... I think the hostile roaming enclaves (without considering preservation wardens) are not enough to balance the superweapon grade of the friendly armada. I played with them at intensity 10 (and Dark Spire 10)... I thought they were overpowered at intensity 4...
At 10 They're near worth an easy golem MF. I'm exaggerating, of course, but really, dealing with the roaming hostile isn't enough.
However, I understand they can be a pain. I spent hours and many games thinking they are a pain in the... thruster. Until I learn how to manage them. Then they became mundane and I started always enabling preservation wardens at the same intensity to really start to balance them. (But yet I find it's not enough.) But I said I understand how they can be a pain, and Arcen seems to take the way toward separating benefit from pain and let players balance their games, like what they did with alt.champ.progress/nemesis). So my suggestion would be to remove neutral and hostile roaming enclaves from the first MF and improve the preservation wardens that I find not even enough as a balance.
Now for the Preservation Wardens overhaul, what I think it deserve is a smarter AI. Their problem is that they just suicide on human planets. Maybe a little banding (threat-like) behavior would be nice. Also, the fact that neutral enclaves are supposed to attack both AI and Human sounds interesting, but I never found them having the chaotic and !!fun!! impact on the game. However, the point is not to make a Dark Spire MkII ("dark roaming enclaves"? How lame!)... I don't know how to handle this idea, but I think it was quick-and-dirty by the time it came in the game. For the Preservation Warden specific behavior, they are supposed to attack humans because they mine metal. I won't debate the lore side of the question. ("What? The AI take all the galaxy, fill it with junks and guard posts and patrols, and the one to blame is me?!?"
I said I won't!) but I can never tell the difference between hostile roaming enclave and preservation wardens (but by the type of younglings spawned).
>> Long story short: having friendly/neutral/enemy roaming enclaves sounds great, but ended poorly (IMO); maybe the best is to make one MF friendly and one MF hostile.
Human Marauders
Human Resistance FightersI'm not unhappy with the "spawn outside and come from deep space". Maybe because I'm used to it. Maybe because I think they are very thematic and lore-ish and I love that. Maybe because I think the no-wormhole-spawn/sniper-immunity is a very important thing in making them a different threat; the marauders would be too similar to AI waves. Enabling no-warning would make some surprise attack; maybe the game deserve a middle ground like "sometimes waves have no warning"; the "no-warning" would have an intensity, 1 is 1 wave out of 10 (10%) has no warning, and 10 is 100% no warning (intensity*0.1 probability that wave come without warning). Hey,
that could be
However, I find the intensity 10 very underwhelming. Compared to a dark spire intensity 10, the is no more a "dominating impact on the game" for Marauders/10. I'm not familiar with the formula behind the hood, but I know they both spawn during big battles, either to help players (Cavalry incoming!) or take advantage on the weaker (bully opportunist pirates). So the "when to spawn" mechanism feels good. However, I think they cap at 40 ships per wave, IIRC.
This is underwhelming. For a "dominating impact on the game", I think they must spawn for at least 100. This require testing, but I think 100 would be a good first test.
>> Long story short: make them MOAR!
Dyson SphereThis one will be a very short topic, because I know it's out of Red.Queen's hacking ability. No offense, but even for Keith, I bet it wouldn't be easy to make it.
Dyson mood isn't fun. Don't get me wrong: having a friendly dyson filling your empire with patrolling gatlings
is fun. But the neutral and angry moods are never something the players can play with. Controlling the dyson planet would be stupid: just by insta-taking it (fast-build a OCS with engi then destroy it as soon as completed) is enough to capture all the goodies (ICanons, DNodes, ZReserves, etc), and gathering K doesn't require capture. The only drawbacks are: no metal, no energy, and need to have an adjacent planet to provide supply and build turrets on it. A very little drawback for the huge free-patrol benefit.
I read on the wiki that hybrids have ways to interfere with dyson's mood. That sounds very interesting. I'm sure the fun is somewhere along this way. The AI and the player fighting each other to influence the dyson and trying to be the "best friend" to earn it's valuable (and powerful) friendship:
that sounds fun. But as I said, big feature.
MiscGo home, Pumpkin, you're drunk.Going along the list... Oh, the neinzul rocketry corp. Should be a plot. (And some plots should be common to both AI; there is no point in having a plot for only one of them, this is a matter of type/personality. Well, I won't debate this now and here.) Well, nothing more for the Minor Faction. However... On the chapter of plots, I think there is some modifications. Well, I wish Arcen make a big revamp in the lobby options (not the options themselves, but their organization in the lobby): some AI types are plots, some plots are modifiers, some MF are plots... Anyway, I said neither now nor there.
[Advanced] Hybrid Hives are overwhelming. I'm not saying too hard, just... did someone else try HH and AH at intensity 10 for both AI? Doesn't it feel absolutely ridiculous and absurd? Preemption too, IMO it also feels that intensity 10 is just insane and 4 isn't "a good middle-ground". Well, on that chapter, you can answer me "you're drunk, Pumpkin, go home". AI diff 10 is designed to be unwinnable, so having plots and MF that insane isn't the big problem. But maybe tweak the curve to make intensity 4 looks like the current intensity 1 or 2; this way newbs can set 4, be crushed and down it to 1 or 2; I feel that intensity 1 for preemption is already a lot. Well, I'm tired. Maybe I'll re-read this tomorrow and edit-cut this last part.