Injecting a thought...
I see one VERY good reason to absolutely not do X AIP per Y min more than Z hops out.
It massively subtracts from the TBS side of the games game-play. Yes, we have AIP/time. This is an adjustable number that last I checked, that people have WIDE different preferences on.
I'm among those that play some games of AI Wars slow-and-methodically, and some lets-push-my-luck-bwhahaha-die-all-of-you. And even once in a blue moon somewhere in between.
Now. Some sort of reactive, non-friendly world attacking force based response I could see... But honestly AI Eyes already do that. Honestly, I find AI Eyes last I played to be a bit over-reactive at times.
The question is, how can deep raiding be made costly if overdone but not excessively ship-eating that deep raids are nothing but suicide runs.
Just a random thought. Some sort of small-count "Enforcer" ship that is just strong enough that once it shows up you have to divert raiding resource to destroy it or it starts notably gnawing through your ships. Yet is on some sort of a respawn timer as long as it's triggered. Prehaps the longer it's triggered the more it spawns each wave to counterattack with, resetting after having been left untriggered galactically for a while. Getting the strength of the ship right would be hard...
But if ya got it right, you would be punished for excessive deep raiding by it getting progressively harder to do so constantly.
Something along the lines of a ship that dies over ~3 times it's spawn period... So they can build up but only temporarily if you raid and ignore them. Probably fast, but not raid starship fast.
Good name for such a ship... Counter-raid Enforcer
Not a very thought out idea. Just my random 1.9 cents. (sorry .1 cent was lost to exhaustion taxes)