Hi again X,
There was another pair of things I wanted to bring up (request), relating to icons and zooming, please.
First, I would like an option to have the icons used at all zoom levels, or at least have some sort of "slider" where I could pick when I want the icons to be turned off (allowing it to go all the way to "never turn off"). I zoom in a certain amount then blam - all my icons go away and I have no idea what I'm looking at anymore. I'd frankly rather just have the icons all the way to max zoom - or have max zoom and max zoom with icons be the same zoom level, just one "click" (of the mouse wheel) apart. I know, your artist is hating me right now... but I'm a gamer, not an art afficionado.
The second one relates to large things (data centers, the AI home world thing that looks like pipes) that are represented by icons... The icons don't scale as you zoom, so what happens is that, when zooming in, it appears as if the (icon-represented) ships are actually moving (expanding) relative to the one big icon. I don't know how to address that, except to say that it is somewhat disquieting and also misleading.
Oh, and a third thing... How about omitting the "I" from the level 1 ships (optionally, of course)?