So I certainly can see why it is interesting in a morbid sort of way to keep the game going. I experimented with the fallen spire story line and after winning that way decided to capture every single planet and build Mongo defenses on each exo wormhole as well and to a lesser extent the nearby planets. I suppose one day far in the future the AI will still win but my PC is likely to come to a halt processing the 10k AI ships...
Having botnet golem, 3 resurrection(sp?) golems, 3 player dreadnoughts, screen fulls of fallen spire dreadnoughts and every single defense item possible within the direct planets - makes for a very difficult AI offense...
And that's all cool now that I know the game and the history.
If I hadn't searched and taken the time to ask WTF in regards to that first win disillusionment event, I might have stopped playing.
I still think it is worth while to make the default action upon winning the game - to stop the exo wormholes.