AI Plots are, by definition, "jerk moves"
In this case, I'm not exactly sure about that.
It's not unusual for my mid-late game to have the SF get up to 100,000+ strength.
If it were buying the SF using Exowave rules rather than the current rules, I'd be WISHING it were still limited to just a few H/Ks.
More seriously, if H/Ks were added to the current SF purchasing list, I suspect we'd see the same problem we have with the SF getting very low-cap ships like Blade Spawners. Eventually, those high-power low-cap ships are all that's left. I very much prefer dealing with a large group of a variety of ships over the alternative of ending up with a half-dozen H/Ks and nothing else running around.
On that note, an AI that would send pure starship waves would be interesting.
Oooh! +1 like. This would make Starship Commander much more interesting.
Once implemented, this could change to "A++, would get killed again".