Now the tech menu's ARS tab (which is used to view and select what bonus type you want to unlock after hacking and capturing an ARS) displays even if no hacking has been done, so you can make a decision about whether you want to hack or not without savescumming (not that anyone would do that).
The tab still won't show if there were never AI-controlled ARS's on the planet, since then the planet has no bonus types to show.
This is great and all, but it doesn''t explain to me HOW I can view the ARS TAB without hacking. In one of my current games I have scouted the location of 2 ARS's, but I'm nowhere near ready yet to take those planets. Whenever I look at the tech menu I see nothing and on enemy worlds it is not possible to open the tech menu (for as far as I know). So I wonder, how do I get to see which possible 'hack' types there are available without actually having a science lab or something on that particular planet?
I have started all of these games before the patch though, so perhaps that's why I can't see it?