Playing on 100 planet map in my second major game, set at Easy for now (astonishing game btw, deserves to be a spiritual sequal to Total Ahnihilation more than SupCom ever did) with my economy more or less solid and the first AI cleaned up in a 7 x Raid Starship attack down a 3 system long chain.
So far so good. Learning a lot and enjoying myself. But there's a ton of cleaning up to do between the IV and the V systems, and the second AI is getting aggressive now and I'm spread out, so most of my fleet is needed elsewhere and money is tight keeping up with rebuilding ships after waves. I may have taken the system ninja style, but I don't really have the ships to blow up clearing that much high end defensive gear the brute force way.
I'd still like to use these AI home systems, but there's no huge urgency in that area. So I've sent in my half-dozen dreads on system cleanup duty at stand-off range to gradually clean up all those evil turret clusters, while I'm doing more important things elsewhere.
My problem is that about halfway through the cleanup job I dropped a command station to start taking the resources, and all of a sudden my dreads have decided that they aren't stand-off weapons after all, and clearly using their weapons at a range of a bazillion just isn't manly. Instead, they seem to take being "mobile" (which I need to have the node for to have any chance keeping on top of the waves) as license to fly their dreads into the range of the turrets and get themselves killed.
I have the dreads set to prefer laser turrets (which the AI has a ton of) but does "prefer" actually mean "... to the point of ignoring the fact you can outrange everything else and just go get yourself blow up".
When mobile, how do I get the dreads to avoid straying into danger, and to just clear out whatever is closest?