This mod is as of 2.001U officially part of the releases, so you don't need to dl it separately anymore ;p A little change to the planet summary (The tab to the right of the screen that displays your ships/turrets/stuff)
Easily identifiable icons now - 3 Arrow heads = moving ships | rotated square = non-moving
Red = Military
Green = Civilian
Dark blue = Neutral (groups etc.)
Extract PlanetarySummary.rar into
AI War\Images\PlanetarySummary
overwrite (make backup of the directory first ,p)
Just something my personal preference (Notice that i am not using the new font so your version will have different font ,p)
Also attached is the font (arial) from previous releases with modified fontsize.xml (which is required since fonts changed) This fontsize.xml has only 4 sizes (10-12-14-16) and its not 100% to my liking, but for now tis all i will do with font ;9
This is just an extra in case you want to have old fonts back but don't want to edit the xml file yourself