All right, time to start spamming posts about long time AI bugs and/or "stupidities" that I have posted on mantis that have been bugging for a long time.
Although I am not really going to spam, I still do feel that the various AI "hiccups" really are holding the AI back in effectiveness. Considering the theme for this expansion, it just seems appropriate to try to address these issues.
Some I can think of off the top of my head (mantis links later if desired):
AI units getting "stuck" after an attack (this has been going on for a long, LONG time)
AI units not always moving into range to attack (this one is similar to the above, but is more recent)
AI not using carrier guardians and neinzul regen chambers effectively
AI should not retreat neinzul units unless there is a nearby carrier guardian or neinzul regen chamber nearby
AI sometimes entering wormholes when they shouldn't
AI sometimes not repairing units (seems to happen with expensive units more often; is the AI erronously getting a "large project cutoff" thing? I have a very recent save I can post demonstrating this with an AI reclaimed mercenary ship)
AI needs some way to deal with cloaked military if their static tachyon detectors (tachyon guardians) failed (either they slipped past, or were destroyed)
There are many others, but those are the ones I notice most often.
Other things like the expansion of the scitzo wave logic and the exo-like wave compositions would be cool, but nowhere near as important IMO.