Excellent points about the auto AIP (I play with +1/(30 minutes)), shark plots, and CPA sizes. I forgot about those in my previous analysis. Since only auto AIP and CPAs are enabled by default, and only CPAs are not disablable, I'm not sure if this is enough of a time cost to penalize excessive use of "patching up economy by waiting".
Matter converters now have a limit per planet. 10, IIRC. So you still do have an absolute energy cap at any stage in the game. Now, maybe 10 is too much (yea, it can be limiting on more "involved" scenarios like Fallen Spire or ultra low AIP clears, but what about "normal" play?), but at least there is something in place to keep energy vs metal (read, time) tradeoffs from going too out of hand.
I am not a fan of the shark plot (Don't get me wrong, I don't think it should be removed, but I just don't play with it). The AI getting a one time "boost" for taking out something of the humans just feels too artificial for me. As the shark plot (either A or B) as they are now, I would not want them in the base game.
Maybe if AI planet retaking can be implemented, maybe a shark like thing can be added then to the base game (and turn off-able?). Like, when the AI takes out your planet and (at some point) retakes it, it gets a surge in defensive "points" for that planet as well as an offensive "burst". The rationale is that the AI is "spending" in a "burst" to re-secure their planet, both by ensuring that the new planet is well defended, and the surrounding planets are weakened some to reduce the chance that the human can fight back while the planet is weaker. Sort of mimicking what humans do when they take a new planet. Yea, this would be in many ways the same, but it would "feel" more natural. Also, the offensive burst could come while the planet is still in the process of retaken, or even before that (like the AI is planning on retaking the planet), to make the effects a bit more immediate. It would also help out cleaning up the planet they would want to retake if there is still lots of human stuff on it.
If something like that happened, I would not mind it in the base game, even if opt-outable. But, as I stated before, with the shark plot (either A or B) as they are now, I would not want them in the base game.
I have no opinion on changing auto-AIP over time to auto-AIP floor over time. I don't think the AIP-floor needs changing; the concept is intuitive enough IMO. The current tooltip paragraph describing AIP floor is a bit more verbose than it needs to be IMO, which makes it seem less intuitive than it really is.
Also, the current tooltip for AIP floor still says the "suggested" is +1 per 5 minutes, which is way too high of a rate, and isn't even the default.