Shoefish, welcome to the forums
Looks like your other questions were answered, but on the others:
Anticlimactic "you win": oh yea, it's very bare-bones, that's actually one of the focuses of this development cycle's DLC; in general we're working on making the endgame more interesting, including a procedurally generated "Epilogue" text that will be shown at the end (in the beta releases there is a placeholder version of this, but it's just a placeholder). This would be a lot further along in the beta releases but time has been a lot more pressed for us this last month and a half. Anyway, the endgame has received relatively little dev attention since relatively little player-time is spent there, but we're working on it
The "incomplete" on the score board is a known bug, I've tried to hunt it down and kill it a number of times but it just won't show itself under examination. We're entering the crack-down-on-bugs part of the dev cycle, so it has another shot at getting eradicated.
Glad you're enjoying the game