I've read the reviews, the dev blog, watched the video and decided to buy the game.
Then I downloaded the demo.
First problem: on my 24 inch LCD I couldn't select anything without zoomig in. Second problem, related: I couldn't zoom with the mouse wheel. Well I could but only in microscopic steps. I opened the options: no way to adjust zoom sensitivity, not even a way to change screen resolution. I thought: 'option challenged. Another game with a potential great concept but a sloppy implemtation'.
In the end I did hit the 'submit' button on impulse but it was close. And ofcourse the full version solved the problems above. With many people having large LCD's nowadays and a varity of mice I think it's not a good idea to skimp on the options in the demo. Or at least include a 'readme-features in full version.txt'.
My .02- €. Kind regards...Pia Kraft