Hello, long time no see, but I never "left" AI War. I just had a pause, then convinced some more people to play with me and, well, I play with them ;-).
This post is the offspring of "harvester and exoshield boosting discussion" in "Nominations for Worst Ship Ever (IV)".
The efficiency of Harvesters and Economic Stations differ between Singleplayer and Multiplayer. In Singleplayer a single person holds 12-30 planets, in Multiplayer a single person holds between 4 and 8 planets.
The frontloaded Econ3 stations are the only sensible station unlock for multiplayer, as with the small number of planets Harvester-augmented economy cannot match the 6*Econ3 stations one could have. This makes Multiplayer games lose a lot of the possible varieties due to everybody needing to use Econ3 stations to keep afloat (for 3 players, we run out of Econ3 station caps after 21 planets: 6 planets and 1 homeworld).
This is why harvester balancing with econ stations is so difficult - buffing harvesters too much will make a runaway economy for 30-planet players and in the current shape harvesters are almost useless for less than 10 planets games. This is also why exoshields are never used - I don't care they destroyed that harvester of mine, I can't afford constant drain of resources anyway.
This post tries to analyse this problem and give a suggestion to at least partially solve it using Harvester caps and moving Harvester economy to late-game without greatly unbalancing AI War.
1) Unit Statistics: data on stations and harvesters
2) Global Statistics: data on caps and max / min potential.
3) Analysis: "and what the above means"
4) Singleplayer and Multiplayer: "and why does it differ so much in balancing economy"
5) Thesis: "why should Harvesters be boosted and why NOT by reducing knowledge cost"
6) Suggestion: "how would I balance it using Harv3 caps and increasing knowledge cost"
Econ1 = +32/32, +2k energy
Econ2 = +80/80, +4k energy, cost 4k knowledge, max cap 6
Econ3 = +160/+160, +6k energy, cost 5k knowledge, max cap 6
Econ3 - Econ1 = +128 (500% base efficiency), +4k energy, costs 9k knowledge
Harv1 = +20
Harv2 = +28, cost 3250(6500) knowledge (doubled to get up to par with econ stations), no cap
Harv3 = +36, cost 4000(8000) knowledge (doubled to get up to par with econ stations), no cap
Harv3 - Harv1 = +18 each (180% base efficiency), cost 14.5k knowledge
For 12 planets:
Unlocking Econ3 stations.
As station cap is 6, you have 6 Econ3 stations and 6 Econ2 stations (the full potential of the line due to caps, it won't ever get more):
12*Econ1 = +384/384, +24k energy for 0 knowledge
6*Econ3 + 6*Econ2 = +1440/+1440, +60k energy for 9k knowledge.
difference = 1056/1056, +36k energy for 9k knowledge.
Unlocking both harvesters 3.
Assuming an average planet is of 4/4 resources:
harv1: 12 * 20 * 4 = +960/960 for 0 knowledge
harv3: 12 * 36 * 4 = +1728/1728 for 14500 knowledge
difference = 768/768 for 14.5k knowledge.
For 30 planets:
Unlocking Econ3 stations and padding with Econ1 stations.
30 * Econ1 = +960/960, +60k energy
6*Econ3 + 6*Econ2 + 18*Econ1 = +2016/+2016, +96k energy for 9k knowledge.
difference = 1056/1056, +36k energy for 9k knowledge.
Unlocking both harvesters 3.
Assuming an average planet is of 4/4 resources:
harv1: 30 * 20 * 4 = +2400/2400 for 0 knowledge
harv3: 30 * 36 * 4 = +4320/4320 for 14500 knowledge
difference = 1920/1920 for 14.5k knowledge.
Planet count:
- The less planets you have, the more efficient Econ3 unlock is.
- The less planets you have, the less efficient Harv3 unlock is.
- After you hold 13 planets you have fully used up Econ3 unlock potential.
- Econ3 costs 9k knowledge
- Econ2 will be used after getting 7th planet
- Harv3 costs 14.5k knowledge
- Harv2 will never be used, as there are no caps for Harv3
Economy influence:
- Econ3 allows to create a strong, basic economy in the beginning
- Harv3 are useless in the beginnning
- Econ3 are very frontloaded - the first six planets you take are the best for your economy
- Harv3 are linear - every planet you get boosts you a bit
Strategy influence:
- Econ3 promote 'take the minimum planet count required and raid' strategy (no more than X planets)
- Harv3 promote 'seal off a part of the galaxy' strategy (no less than X planets)
- Harv3 do not have opportunity costs - you can unlock, say, Mil3 or Logistic3 stations where needed
- Econ3 are 'seed-independent'. Every planet in the galaxy gives you the same resource boost.
- Harv3 are 'seed-vulnerable'. The gain from a 1/1 planet will be miniscule.
- In Singleplayer all the planets belong to one player
- In Multiplayer the players split the planets
- In Singleplayer one person holds between 12-30 planets
- In 3-way Multiplayer (what I do now) one person holds between 6-8 planets
- In Singleplayer the bottleneck is the knowledge and energy, not resources.
- In Multiplayer the bottleneck are the resources.
In Singleplayer, when ~20 planets are already taken, one is at the cap with Econ stations and probably unlocked the Logistics or Military ones. In Multiplayer, however, those 20 planets are ~6~8 planets per player - and if you did not unlock Econ3 stations your economy horribly lags behind. You will never be able to keep up using Harvesters.
In Singleplayer I was able to make a 'highway' using Logi3 stations, bottlenecks with Mil3 station and everything else was Econ2-3 stations. In Multiplayer I was assigned defensive duty and I unlocked Mil3 stations. Even with Harvesters3 I barely match other players' economy having simple Harvesters1.
Harvesters of higher marks need a definite boost - especially for multiplayer, unless the only station unlock ever to be used in 3 or 4 player games should be Economy station. Economy stations are very frontloaded - the first six planets you take are the best for your economy. Harvesters, on the other hand, have a linear boost and become powerful only after a lot of planets are taken.
I personally see Econ3 stations as the powerful beginning economy to be overtaken by harvester economy if necessary. That is why in my opinion a steep knowledge cost for harvesters is a good thing - you take Econ3 stations, forcing some of your planets not to gain from those 'other' nice bonuses, but afterwards you can get even stronger, harvester-based economy if you need it - for an enormous cost in knowledge (about Neinzul 4 Factory if I recall properly).
There is a problem with Harvester boost: there are no caps for Harvesters. Increasing them from 20/28/36 to, say, 20/40/60 might make player economy too strong, especially if a player takes a lot of planets.
Another issue - If you unlock Fighter T3, you still use Fighter T2. If you unlock Econ3, you still use Econ2. If you unlock Harv3, you never use Harv2. This knowledge has been 'lost', in contrary to AI War principles.
Maybe something like this:
Harv1: 20 resource.
Harv2: 35 resource. Cost: 7k knowledge. Cap = none.
Harv3: 60 resource. Cost: 4k knowledge. Cap = 24.
In the scenario above:
- In singleplayer I will unlock Harvester2 if I need more resources and I have more than 15 planets. The knowledge cost is about current Harv2 + Harv3 and the efficiency is also about the same. This will not help the multiplayer at all.
- However, if we - as a team - have 24 planets and 4 players, each of us has about 6 planets. That way I can pay an enormous cost of 11*2 = 22k knowledge (7 planets' worth of knowledge) and unlock a boost:
Harv3: +1440/1440, 22k knowledge cost
difference: +960/960, 22k knowledge cost
This allows me to "play with more toys", as my game is again limited by knowledge and strategy and not by me having to rebuild all the turrets before next wave comes my way. Right now, if I decide to unlock Military3 station, I am doomed. I won't have enough of economy to actually do stuff. If I could somehow match their economy I could unlock something else than Econ3 station as the 'main' station - and having 6-8 planets means I probably won't unlock more than one station - ever.
Ah, and notice - such harvesters will really WANT exoshields. Losing one is a great resource cost. Yet another unlock to think about. One more decision to make.
The numbers above are of course subject to change. What I want to create is a framework for discussion, a 'high level suggestion' - I am far too inexperienced of a player to 'hit' the right mathematical values.