What are the currently relative ship positioning and collision priorities for all ship types?
Advance Research Stations are constantly drifting to the outskirts of the fleet I've got set up to protect them. I've got knowledge stealing groups forcing my ARSs straight into enemy bomber range left right and centre here...
Also, two somewhat related points:
1. If you try to position a Starship, A, on top of another Starship, B, A doesn't simply move as close to B as it can, it actually moves right the way to the edge of the cluster of ships. It's quite amusing to watch in x4 speed - the selected Starship will yo-yo in and out of the group everytime to click to position it! Something a little awry there
2. Not sure if there's anything you might do to improve this one but ships shift relative positions to one another quite a great deal in group move orders. You might position a Starship so that it's nicely surrounded by little ships on one side of the map (as you exit a wormhole, for example) only to have it positioned right on the edge of the group, with far fewer connections to the wee ones, by the time you reach the other side of the map.
Incidentally this is all on the current full release (v2.0).