General Category > AI War Classic

Do wave multipliers for structures still exist?


Digging through old patch notes, I see that ion cannons above II and zenith energy producers once added a multiplier to waves against that planet. I also saw someone speculate that this was removed for ion cannons by version 5.0, but I don't see confirmation. Are there presently any hidden wave multipliers that you can have based on stuff on your own planet?

I prefer to set up choke points where I can capture an Ion Cannon IV, so...

"The previous concept of AI Wave Bonuses (the crazy multipliers that could lead to waves of 700,000 ships, for example) have been removed entirely. This buffs a number of structures for human use, including captive human settlements, zenith power generators, gravity drill stations, zenith spacetime manipulators, and ion cannons."

From Version 4.041. Just scroll down a little or use the "search for keyword" function for Ion Cannon and you'll see it. I'll look through the other patch notes, but I don't see why it would not be gone.


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