Author Topic: Discussion: Player Economy  (Read 17141 times)

Offline Wingflier

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #45 on: November 17, 2012, 12:55:58 pm »
I think the idea is to make the game more attractive for big empires ;p

I don't think the plan is to make the game viable for people who want to win with 7-10 planets, which is what seems to be the current trend on higher difficulties.
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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #46 on: November 17, 2012, 01:08:48 pm »
yeah people with few planets are supposed to have a tough economy, at least that's what I think

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2012, 01:20:57 pm »
Oh. Fair enough then :P
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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #48 on: November 17, 2012, 02:12:23 pm »
up to the 10-15 system count
You forget that in order to have a full cap of Mk3 econ stations, you need like 25 planets.
Econ II/III ship cap is still 6, isn't it?  Homeworld + 12 systems is enough to exhaust all Econ station upgrades, unless the cap has changed.

Thought we had already agreed that taking 10-15 planets wasn't feasible on higher difficulties because of the exponential effect AIP has on difficulty.
I do agree.  I don't use Econ stations on higher difficulties unless I'm playing FS and can handle the AIP.  I rarely use anything but Warp Jammers, actually, since I try to take nothing not essential at those difficulty levels.
But should we have the player structures give different resources at different difficulty levels?  I don't think so, but otherwise we run into balance issues like this one.  How do you balance Econ stations for both the normal 7/7 game with 10-15 systems in the midgame, as well as balancing for the level of the game where you will only take 10 systems ever, and half of those will be endgame "Capture and release"-type CSG kills?

I think the current point, where harvesters and Econ stations both lead part of the income graph, is about the best the game can manage.

Wouldn't early economy be solved simply by upping the starting resource pool, instead of upping the starting resource income? I'm definitely no econ genious, but that would allow you to pump out your first turrets and caps before the first wave, but you can't keep that insane production up once you run out of your starting "bank" so to speak.
... you know, I'd honestly never thought of that.
10 minutes of Mk I Harvesters on a Homeworld is about 144,000 resources. 
10 minutes of Mk III Harvesters on a Homeworld is about 396,000 resources.
So, yes, upping the initial start amount could compensate for reduced income by the time the first wave shows up.  Interesting idea...  Need to think about long-term effects.

Secondly, you seem to be forgetting the massive benefit of using a Logistical or Military Orbital in place of an Econ Station, where upgraded Harvesters pose have no negative drawback in that regard.  Not sure why everybody keeps ignoring that.
I was ignoring opportunity cost for 2 reasons:  First, I was trying to limit the discussion to the economy, and second, opportunity cost is quite difficult to quantify in a general sense.  Exactly how much M+C/sec is a 20% attack boost worth?  The only way to find an answer that I can think of is to propose changes until enough people (but not all) say "Yes, I'd make that trade".

Offline Fluffiest

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #49 on: November 17, 2012, 02:21:27 pm »
One of the ideas I've seen suggested to bring Harvester upgrades in line with Economic Command Station upgrades is to prevent the former from benefiting the home system. This could most easily be done by removing all the resource nodes in the home system, and making up the numbers by adding more Human Home Settlements or increasing the production of the home settlements or home command station.

Offline Wanderer

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #50 on: November 17, 2012, 03:31:15 pm »
Secondly, you seem to be forgetting the massive benefit of using a Logistical or Military Orbital in place of an Econ Station, where upgraded Harvesters pose have no negative drawback in that regard.  Not sure why everybody keeps ignoring that.

+25% damage for the whole planet, basically immunity to raid starships, powerful defensive translocation ability, and immunity to blades (this is huge against many melee ships) OR half enemy speed, double your own speed (which has already been doubled, so it's like quadrupled right?).  And this is all just at level 1.  Let's please stop pretending like that isn't a factor when taking into account the benefits and drawbacks of Harvesters vs. Econ Stations.

Just a clarification to this.  Mil station is +19% bonus to all allies, not 25%.  All command stations (including econ) double friendly move speed, but the logistics adds to the friendly move speed by a set amount.  It significantly helps very slow ships (think siege SS) but it's not much of an effect on higher speed units (fighters/raptors).

My personal observation of the stations however was prior to the harvester upgrade, which used to be so dismal to not be worth upgrading EVER, I would immediately open MK II econs for the first planet I took and the first 6 would always get MK III other than the whipping boy(s), which usually got a Mil I for turret boosting.  Mil stations previously with the translocation firepower was too weak to defend a satellite anyway so I simply econ'd the satellite systems as well, fully expecting them to self destruct (high-impact satellites would get a transport/cloaker/3 engis/colonization ship stuffed into a nearby system for rebuilds), except for the Fact IV systems.

When harvesters were less effective, I simply ignored the other command stations until very late game when I'd usually upgrade to MIL IIIs to try to help defend the outer colonies since their econ output was higher than the Econ IIs they were replacing. (Mil III is 96/96 where an Econ II is 80/80 + negligible Energy)

So, yes, 6 systems of Econ III not using logistics or mil stations, but otherwise, they really didn't change it that much unless your empire was HUGE.  Those worlds in most of my games tended to be hidden behind chokepoints, because of how I selected my maps, so that makes a huge difference as to their vulnerability.

So I partially agree with Wingflier here, there is an impact to not having the other stations on hand when you need to use the econ stations, but I don't feel it's an all or nothing scenario.  It's reasonable to tuck your Econ IIIs in the 'back' and use the other upgraded facilities which are roughly equivalent to the Econ IIs.  By the time you're at an empire of that size though I don't feel that it matters much however, harvester or econ.  You're either floating in M+C and just building off mercenaries to keep it from hitting 1M/1M or you're fighting for your life with every inch of your econ.  Late game seriously sees feast/famine econs, primarily because the bank is so small compared to the size of the fleet I'm trying to rebuild, and I fully support expanding the size of that bank, even if it's just the opportunity to build my own distribution nodes as emergency funds.

The econ is most fluid, in my games, in the early/midgame, where there's not a lot of systems taken yet ( up to about 5 or 6) so the econ strength is highly important to my ability to refleet to drive through a MK IV world eventually or if they're just brick walls.  This is the time where I see my per second income mattering for the rebuilding of fleet ships while my fleet comes home for R&R, or if it was able to bank enough for a full rebuild.

In the games were I use Econ Stations, the border worlds simply don't matter as to their resource counts, I'd just take 'em and toss up Econ IIIs.  In games where I've been concentrating on Harvesters, I usually only take worlds that have high collector amounts, which definately changes my galactic strategies.

I've just sat back down with my 9.6 game.  At 5:45 and AIP 91, I've got 191k Metal, 570k Crystal, and 45,000 available power.  I've taken 3 worlds, a 3/3, a 1/4, and a 4/3, all of them simply borderworlds while I scout.  My homeworld is currently running two matter converters to keep my fleet and defenses powered and the fleet is prepping to head back out into the wild again. 

My fleet, on a wipe, will cost me 4 Spire Corvettes ( 135k mats at MK I, 270k mats at MK II, so 910k in resources alone, not including modules), 96 Bomber Is (1600 each, 153k), 96 Fighter Is( 400 each, 38k), 96 Frig Is (1200 each, 115k), 4 Flagships (100k ea), 2 Neinzul Is (40k each).  That's ~1.7 mill in mats to rebuild just the fleet, and mostly MK I, and most of it is concentrated in my bonus ships. 

On a wave on average I lose the 'front line' of the defenses.  That's 4 leech starships ( 100k ea), 2 FF IIs (48k ea, 96k/2), 3 FF Is (24k ea, 72k/2), 49 Flak I turrets ( 4.8k ea, 240k/2), 49 Lightning Is (4k ea, 200k/2), 5 Tachy Is (3k ea, 15k/2), 25 Tractor Is (7.2k ea, 180k/2), about 10 of my grav Is (7.5k ea, 75k/2), 78 Basic Is ( 2k ea, 156k/2), 38 Basic IIs (4k ea, 152k/2), 78 Laser Is ( 2.2k ea, 171k/2), and usually the MRM/HBC bank unless it's a really light wave, so that's 3 HBC I's( 17.5k ea, 52.5k/2) and 78 MRM Is (2.2k ea, 171k/2).  Ignoring the starships I'm using as cannon fodder and attempts to reclaim, in just turretry thats 790k in materials that are spent repairing for wave defenses, roughly.  Waves are landing roughly every 10-12 minutes gametime from the advanced logging, and they're Mil I boosted.  If the sieges and leeches bite it on defense that's another 800k since they're not repairable and need to be rebuilt.

My current econ with Harvester IIIs is metal: 1132 - 211 = 921/s, and crystal: 1462 - 202 = 1260/s, so total of 2,181/s.  My build queues are currently mostly empty except for a bomber being built to replace the handful I lost taking out a fortress, so that's pretty close to my max econ.

As my econ stands, to get 790k in materials to rebuild after a standard wave takes 362.21 seconds, about 6 minutes.  This means half my current econ (with Harvester IIIs) is being poured into/saved for defenses.  That gives me another 5 minutes worth of econ to work with the fleet, which is roughly 654k in mats, not counting the crystal -> metal conversions which my bombers give me fits over.  Ignoring the corvettes, which are .9 of my 1.7mill fleet, that leaves me 800k in fleet to rebuild if they wipe, which means ~1.2 waves worth of econ.

I'm sorry, but I'm having a very hard time seeing how y'all have this huge economy at low planets to the point that harvesters are broken.  Yes, I get some feast-times too when my fleet does everything right and I can get a bonus, but really in my games that's just a bank for later so I can get the fleet out again, or maybe sink a bit of materials into other goals, like a transport fleet or some additional starships.  When I take another planet for resources (Econ or Harvester) the AIP goes up and my defensive costs go up too.  In theory if I can soak the defensive costs my offensive costs go up (hopefully to the point where they go back down later because the fleet ball can handle things without wipes).  Sure I'll max off to 999s but that's barely enough to refleet with, and that's a mostly MK I fleet, and it'll be awhile before I return to it.

*scratches his head* I must be doing something severely wrong here...
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #51 on: November 17, 2012, 03:49:05 pm »
Interesting, thanks for the numbers and analysis; that's probably more important at this stage than anecdotal accounts, etc.

So in your case with an early/mid game non-superweapon fleet it costs you 1.7Mm+c to refleet, so you can even do that without expanded storage.  Of course, you couldn't do much else than refleet, but that's somewhat less of a concern.  What do the refleeting costs look like later on and/or with superweapons of various kinds?  That goes for all of you.
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Offline Wanderer

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2012, 04:11:25 pm »
Interesting, thanks for the numbers and analysis; that's probably more important at this stage than anecdotal accounts, etc.
Not a problem.  I'd been meaning to do this eventually.  Life had just been geting me distracted.  I purposely left the cost of my Raid SSs out of the above calculations which add additional pressure to the econ because they never come home, but because of how I use them either they replace the fleet for Eye planets or they're disposable heroes.

What do the refleeting costs look like later on and/or with superweapons of various kinds?  That goes for all of you.

Assuming final fleetball?
5*MK I/II of bonus ships, MK I-IV of primary bonus, MK I-IV bombers, MK I/II Frigs and MK I of Fighters.  Um, hm.  I'm going to have to dig up an older end-game save and do the math, but end game fleets skew oddly.  Usually it's the lower end craft that are dead and you have enough firepower that during a chase scenario if you string out the enemy you don't end up overwhelmed so you don't *usually* wipe unless you foul up on an AI HW/Coreworld, and those are special events you plan for.
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Offline Eternaly_Lost

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #53 on: November 17, 2012, 04:23:55 pm »
I am going to ignore the normal ships and go for my fallen spire fleet I have here:

My Fallen Spire Fleet costs

DD Totals
16056000 M, 76560000 C
BB Totals
18116000 M, 24668000 C
CA Totals
19680000 M, 24900000 C
DD Totals
15720000 M, 16800000 C
FF Totals
15872000 M, 27776000 C

85,444,000 Metal, 170,704,000 Crystal. Total: 256,148,000 resources to rebuild.

Note that a MK5 ion cannon cost is 259,200,000 total resources, namely 3,052,000 more then it takes to refleet.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #54 on: November 17, 2012, 04:38:12 pm »
85,444,000 Metal, 170,704,000 Crystal. Total: 256,148,000 resources to rebuild.
Out of curiosity, does that fleet ever wipe?

And it's interesting how crystal-heavy that turns out to be :)

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Offline Wanderer

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #55 on: November 17, 2012, 04:38:48 pm »
Alright, I pulled up one of my AI10/10 wins (I know, NOT a good balance point generally) to get final numbers at near end-game.

This would be the 9 through 10 run game... but the timing's a bit fouled and it was with the old energy system so it's all over the blinking place economically and for power.  However, I can get fleet numbers from this.

Bomber SS IV: 4 * 600k      2.4kk
Blade Spawner V: 5 * 128k  640k
Space Plane V: 172 * 2.4k   413k
Speed Booster: 98 * 3.7k    362k
Spider V: 96 * 2k                192k

Fact IV:
Bomber IV: 96 * 9.8k          941k
Maw IV: 5 * 150k                750k

Turretball: Dear gods, there's 4 fortresses on this thing.  However, ignoring 10/10 inanity, it's mostly MK I with dyson support.
Autobombers I/II: 96 * 100, 96 * 200 ... negligible 29k, being used defensively anyway.

Main Fleet (standard):
Raid SS I/II: 3*82k, 3*164k                               738k
Flagship I: 4* 100k                                            400k
Bomber SS I: 4*100k                                         400k
Cloaker SS I (covering the repair fleet): 2* 60k    120k
Scout Starship (anti snipe/stealth post): 5*15k     75k

Bombers I/II/III: 96* 1.6k, 96* 3.2k, 96*6.6k (odd drift there, MK IIIs are 5800/800, probably a typo)    1.1kk
Frigates I/II: 96* 1.2k, 96*2.4k                                      345k
Grenade I/II: 96*1k, 96*2k                                            288k
Sentinel Frigate I/II: 19*3.9k, 19*7.8k                            222k
Acid Sprayer I/II: 96*440, 96*900 (another drift)             128k
Maw I/II/III: 5*25k, 5*50k, 5*100k (yet another drifter)  875k

Total mats for refleet:
10.3 million  Take out the MK IV bomber SSs and it's 7.9 mill.

Edit: Due to the above question on the spire, allow me to assure that said fleet listed above can and did wipe... often.  That was against Core Raid Engines and CPA defenses, though, not in standard affairs.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 04:43:53 pm by Wanderer »
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #56 on: November 17, 2012, 04:44:46 pm »
Total mats for refleet:
10.3 million  Take out the MK IV bomber SSs and it's 7.9 mill.
Hmm, interesting.  Amused by the fighters not even being mentioned, but I suppose that's appropriate ;)
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Offline Eternaly_Lost

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #57 on: November 17, 2012, 04:46:13 pm »
85,444,000 Metal, 170,704,000 Crystal. Total: 256,148,000 resources to rebuild.
Out of curiosity, does that fleet ever wipe?

And it's interesting how crystal-heavy that turns out to be :)

Several times. When you find Guardians in the tens of thousands with Hunter Killer backup, the fleet does not last that long. Walking into the AI homeworld does the same. More so when the Guardians are stored in Carriers so your only option is to send in the fleet repeatedly. Look at the first save I posted in the issue that the Fallen Spire Exo Fleet can't win. The SF guardians are a few planets away if you can even get to them though the AI homeworld. There is ~30 carriers that have nothing but Guardians (or at least last time I went for them that is what I found) in them. The fleet does not last against that.

Offline Wanderer

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #58 on: November 17, 2012, 05:02:23 pm »
Total mats for refleet:
10.3 million  Take out the MK IV bomber SSs and it's 7.9 mill.
Hmm, interesting.  Amused by the fighters not even being mentioned, but I suppose that's appropriate ;)

LOL, yeah.  They're what, 40k and died to a stiff wind?  Dragging along Neinzul Is actually keeps them in the fight now though so I'm starting to appreciate them more, though they're a consistant drain when the fleet's in operation.
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Offline Draco18s

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Re: Discussion: Player Economy
« Reply #59 on: November 17, 2012, 05:21:05 pm »
up to the 10-15 system count
You forget that in order to have a full cap of Mk3 econ stations, you need like 25 planets.
Econ II/III ship cap is still 6, isn't it?  Homeworld + 12 systems is enough to exhaust all Econ station upgrades, unless the cap has changed.

No, the cap hasn't changed.

It's the additional systems needed to buffer the econ stations.

Most people, regardless of play style, have empires that large.