1. Warp Gate Guardians - can these respawn on a planet after being killed? In other words, is it possible that the player might have to "neuter" an enemy planet several times in order to prevent waves from hitting a certain planet?
2. AI Barracks - The description says:
Built by the AI to contain offline overflow units from its planets when it has too many units to keep online. Each barracks contains up to 1200 ships that will come active when the barracks is attacked or destroyed, or when the planet of the barracks no longer belongs to the AI. After a single barracks is built at a planet, the AI builds carriers instead.
Yet I've seen several instances where the AI builds multiple Barracks on a single planet. What's the cause for discrepancy?
3. Neinzul Nest - Do these still exist?
http://www.arcengames.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Neinzul_NestI was poking around in the wiki when I found these, but I don't think I've ever seen them before. I've seen plenty of Neinzul Hives, but those look like something different.
4. Resistance Fighters - What causes them to suicide themselves into enemy controlled territory? Usually they stay in the boundaries of your own planets, but sometimes they like to throw themselves at fully populated enemy border worlds. Is there an explanation for this?
Thanks in advance for your help.