That's all one wave; there are 4 steps in the logging:
1st, on the main thread, when it is time to generate a wave (either the normal waves over time, or a counterattack post like this case), it sends a message to the AI thread. That's the "Triggering AIWarpCounterattackGuardPostV; wave size factor: 2; Game Time: 38:58:55" message in your main-thread log.
2nd, the AI thread received this message, and performs the actual logic to build the "raw" composition of the wave. This basically just establishes proportions, not final numbers. That's the message starting with "Starting CreateMixedWaveToPlanet"; the relevant data is sent back to the main thread as an AddInboundWave GameCommand.
3rd, the main thread receives the AddInboundWave, that's the "Receiving AddInboundWave from AI Thread". Note that final numbers are not computed yet and are not reflected in that message.
4th, when the main thread checks each wave, the first time it does so it actually computes the exact number of each ship type to include in the wave; that's the message starting with "Performing first CheckWave".
Anyway, the summary of your log data is:
1) This is all one wave.
2) The raw size was 1227.
3) By randomized distribution, 105 of that went toward SniperIV. That does _not_ mean 105 SniperIVs, though
4) In CheckWave, the number of SniperIVs was finalized as follows:
CheckWave: populating count of SniperIV with base magnitude of 105
numberUnits = kv.Value * this.WaveSize : 210
after applying ShipCapMultiplier if any, numberUnits : 20.97
after applying CanUseNeinzulRegenerator if any, numberUnits : 20.97
after applying Mark-based multiplier if any, numberUnits : 12.58
after applying at-least-one rule, numberUnits : 12.58
after applying difficulty-based (if >= 8 then 4, if >= 7 then 3, if >= 6 then 2, else 1) multiplier if any, numberUnits : 37.74
numberUnitsInt = numberUnits.IntValue : 37
Note that the raw randomized value for RaptorIV was 114, and its final actual-count value was 205. Raptors have a normal ship cap, Snipers have a 0.2 ship cap, so 205 : 37 is pretty close
And the only big difference between the counterwave and the normal wave in this case is that it forces mixed-wave (like schizo, even if you don't have schizo on) and it uses a base WaveSize of 2 instead of the normal which is usually 1 (which is why 105 turned into 37 sniperIVs instead of about 18 or 19).
Make sense?
And thanks very much for doing the logging and posting it, makes it way easier to show what's actually going on (for your benefit and mine).