For the record, a game lobby in the case of Arcen Games could be as simple as an IRC chat with user list with some added functionality.
For example you can add an icon to users who are starting games to let others know there is a game starting now. You can also have a separate icon for games that are loaded but waiting for you specifically. Finally giving a right click to join feature with hidden IP and port (your client would query theirs) would alleviate trust issues when players don't know each other.
This could also double as a main chat channel in game that can be toggled on and off as needed.
Finally, it would be nice to open a game to spectators so if you ask for advice, they could come look at what's going on currently in your game. Need for keeping them 100% updated isn't necessary, simply giving them a series of snapshots every few seconds should be enough for them to get the idea. However that's a completely new feature request, and might not show up immediately.
This would constitute a game lobby in the form of an extended IRC like you were planning, and would help people easily meet others who play and find others to play with. It would also allow people to turn it off if they desire privacy.