searched for the english names for the AI types but I couldn't find them. The game doesn't take them from the xml files in this case I think. It's the spot in the bottom right corner of the screen, where the score is shown.
I fixed this line break issue. Just replace this single line in the file:
<ln id="ControlNodeFRDLimitedTo80000_Desc">Schiffe I'm FV-Modus greifen keine Ziele an, die weiter als 80.000 Meter entfernt
sind. Das kann nützlich sein, um Schiffe davon abzuhalten, Plünderer zu verfolgen und dabei verstreut zu werden, es sei denn, das ist dein Plan.</ln>
I think this non-matching-ship-type issue might be a bit complex because you have to replace the names in many different places and also the one or other AI type might need a change, at least in its description. And if you change the AI type's name don't forget to change it everywhere in each xml file. I don't have time for this now