Unfortunately, there's no relationship between Subcommander type and the special Command Station used. And aside from the Core Guardposts and Brutal Core Guardposts, there is no such thing as a special guardpost. Stuff like Munition Booster Guardposts are just more uncommon, but as far as I know they are not treated as special. At the same time, Tachyons are technically Guardians, not Guardposts (they cannot be a reinforcement target). At the same time, Special Forces Guardposts are seeded separately from normal ones, so their presence/absence is independent of the rest of the system.
If you want to 'cheat' a little bit, you can press F3 to toggle into/out of a debug-like mode that gives more information about the system you are viewing. Part of that information is the name of the Subcommander type.
From your description, I'd guess not Paranoid, Lobber, or Obstructionist for your two systems. But the differences between the other types relies mostly on where the Guardposts are located.
Knife Fighter will tend to form straight lines of Guardposts with each Guardpost just in range of a wormhole entrance.
Bunkerer and Rude Gesture are both clustered near the edge of the system, but the Rude Gesture has a bunch of Counterattack guardposts around it. If Counterattack posts are not enabled, it can be difficult to tell the two types apart.