The issue I have with this approach of just "best of"/"worst of" polls is that it doesn't address some of the biggest underlying problems.
Even though the Spire Armor Rotter, Anti-Armor Ship, Zenith Polarizer, Autocannon Minipods (other anti-armor ships), etc. have been buffed time and time again, there's a fundamental issue: Armor isn't that big of a problem.
Today I unlocked a Spire Shadow Frigate and saw a really neat modular weapon called the Zenith Polarization weapon or something, that did more damage based on armor. It seemed cool til I remembered that armor is rarely ever a concern, where I'm constantly fighting ships with bonuses applicable to the modular weapon types. When will that weapon even be useful? When I'm about to face an exo-wave or something?
I would rather just take those ships out of the game until we can do something with them, because they're just wasting space.