Youngling are a very laid-back bonus ship. I've got an AAR at 8/8 with Weasels and I did everything by just FRD'ing 2 Space Docks with 3 Engineers each at any system I wanted. I sometimes grabbed groups of Youngling to knock out specific targets that were giving them problems, and sometimes I staged a full cap of Mark I-III before sending them through to crack the initial build up of ships right on the wormhole, but otherwise they were a no brainer. I routed them across 4-8 hostile systems on FRD, letting them automatically clean out any spawns. I never unlocked Transport II and I never put them in a Regen Chamber, or even built one. Whenever they weren't were I needed them, I scrapped the lot, powered down the current Space Docks and turned on the set closest to my next target. I almost hit cap on Space Docks.
It is seriously the least micro and least intense game I've ever played. And a ton of hilarious fun.