I'm going to get health-conscious for a moment with you. I used to be one of those guys that drank soda all the time and occasionally espressos. It's a sobering moment when you look around the room and have soda cans stacked up with coffee or espresso hanging around. The fact of the matter is, there are no free lunches, and doping your brain to feel something or other doesn't actually mean you have somehow defied mother nature. You can't get energy out of the can- you can only borrow it from later at the expense of some part of your health.
Negative consequences include headaches, heart problems, vasoconstriction, irritability, dependence and sleep deprivation to name but a few. Caffeine is a legal psychoactive drug, but it's a drug nonetheless that people think they need to function. You really don't. I get up everyday without a coffee and do the same job as a programmer, day in and day out. Some of my colleagues drink coffee, and what I notice the most is that they're the ones who can't function without coffee because they need that now just to get back to normal. But you can do it without caffeine, and it feels just fine.
One of the devices I've used to quit caffeine (I'm a couple years clean now) is Soda Stream. It's a device that carbonates beverages, so it's like you are drinking soda, but really it could just be apple juice carbonated. Or orange juice, tea, and more. The price is affordable, and it tastes great. Check it out, and I hope you find a way towards a happier, healthier future for yourselves.
/Off healthy soapbox
/back on the healthy soapbox
Oh, and there were reports on 20/20 sometime back that actually showed brain damage from drinking coffee in excess over a lifetime.