Just a question, considering the possibilities for unique starship lines much in the same manner of fleet ships, is there likely to be a change toward new starship types being unlockable in the same way? (and, I suppose, turrets?)
I was also thinking about how that might be implemented; the best I came up with was that upon capturing the ARS, the screen dims (as with pause) and a dialog box opens in the middle of screen, in which the player is given the choice of
- a fleet ship unlockable (as now)
- a starship unlockable
- a turret unlockable
- X amount of knowlege
player choices are cool, right? and, bonus, 'starfleet' players could bulk out their starship caps instead of unlocking fleet types, and turtles could unlock turrets, and so on. The knowlege unlock provides an alternative for players who find the avaliabale unlocks strategically useless. I realise turrets dont appear to need 'discovery' as is, but thats a just incase element of the suggestion for the future.
this is obviously not a consideration right now, considering how few starship/turret types we have in comparison to fleet ship types and with the limited developer time AI war is receiving, but in the future, perhaps?