No, but add CTRL "Auto-scrap ships if tractored onto enemy planet
No. Not this. I would rather see "Auto-scrap ships if tractored through a wormhole
Out of Supply.
I'd like to confirm a couple points I've read off the wiki:
- Systems go on alert if around fifty fleetships are in a neighboring system.
- Raid Engines do not care about alert state. They only care about the presence of human military units and system ownership.
Pre-tractor scenarios:Scenario OneChoke Planet <->Hostile Planet A (alert) <-> Raid Engine (inactive)
If the above is correct, then tractoring WILL trigger a raid, but not the alert. The original toggle situation would be useful here, but the player would also trigger raids trying to clear threatball. Tractor platform drags units from choke to hostile planet, fleet suicides, tractor platform goes back for more immediately, rapidly depopulating system.
Scenario TwoChoke Planet <-> Hostile Planet A (alert, supply) <-> Hostile Planet B (dormant, no supply) <->Raid Engine (inactive)
This seems a more likely scenario - the player could clear threatball without triggering the raid engine, and being tractored outside of the chokeworld wouldn't be immediate cause for scrapping. Tractoring onto planet B would cause a raid if the scrapping processed after the raid trigger. Tractor platform drags unit from choke to planet A, units occupy tractor platform for a short while (preventing it from just hopping back and forth through a wormhole), irritate guardians and other units on planet A, but get a chance to shoot it down and do not trigger raid engine.
Scenario ThreeChoke Planet <-> No Supply System (Co-processor or nuke) <-> Anything else
My proposal breaks down.