Question about astrotrains:
I am playing the 2.001U prerelease version with expansion right now. The astrotrains remain at the stations for a long time in my recent games. Perhaps they are stuck? It is common to have stations with 3 trains hanging out. After I destroy the station they will stay for another while until they finally start to move (or at least I hope so at a few planets remaining blocked for now.)
I searched the forum and the manual about the intended astrotrain behaviour, but could not find the information i was looking for.
Should the trains be always on the move or is it intended that they hang out on the stations?They are a pain to deal in my current games, two regenerating and a speed boosting train blocking all ways out of my initial positions. Perhaps I will decide to finally tackle the raid engine to elude this evil things. Call me an astrotrain masochist, I love this pain!