How did I miss this game??
Second that, I could have had months of practice by now.
I found this game through a few post on other forums but it seems it did get quite good reviews all over the place so no idea why it remained relatively obscure.
It certainly deservers far more publicity.
I had totally given up on RTS games: they are mostly spam- and clickfests or always winnable using a few select strategies or units.
This game packs a huge amount of innovative ideas and every game mechanic fits in really well.
I don't even miss player vs player games: why bother if you can play against a truly EVIL computer.
With the new customizations at the start of the game (another great update) you can even choose how you're gonna get killed this time.
(some of the options/plots should have a "this is lethal" warning label though or go straight through to the losing screen)