How are the textboxes behaving (on windows, osx, or linux) ? We've seen strangeness from them in some tests, but perhaps that strangeness is specific to the testing environment?
Textbox weirdness:
On the Galaxy map, when you edit the notes for a system, if you change the name of a system, you cannot then switch to the lower 'notes' textbox.
The old "Cursor disappears and cannot highlight text" bug is still there in the 'notes' textbox as well.
The "Narrow Search" filter textbox works correctly, but the "Broad Filter" has the same issues as the "Save Game" textbox (see below).
The "Save Game" screen filename textbox has a few issues. Backspace deletes the entire name. Cursor keys (and Home, End, etc) do nothing to move the cursor, nor does clicking anywhere in the textbox. The Paste command replaces all text. Cannot highlight text in order to copy.
Lobby textboxes appear to be working correctly.
That's what I see so far.