Glancing at the notes, I notice that for the alter-champion notes that the other rewards (extra ships, resources, K) are not included in any way. Is this intentional or am I missing something? I don't feel like experimenting with the new mode if it is still nerfed compared to the original in such a large way (thus, I cannot confirm if it is true, either)
Considering that the normal-progress form of champions is frankly overpowered I didn't think that giving it all to the player
without having gone through the challenge of the nebulae could be done without just breaking the balance altogether. At least not until we have a better idea of what the counter-balance should be with the alt-progression.
I mean, sure, I could have it throw more response stuff in return, but those would be some pretty big hammers get thrown at you. The impression I was getting from the requests was that people wanted a way of playing with the champion that didn't necessarily involve changing the fundamental gameplay (as nebulae do, at least by inserting significant chunks of different gameplay throughout the game). So having exo-level responses seemed contraindicated, as that changes the playing field substantially.
That said, if the alternate option is not interesting to you then that's fair enough. Feel free to hold off until it's more mature
As always, I think the most fun is adding customization. So, in addition to whether they want nebulae, players could choose whether they want nemesis exos or threatfleet nemeses. Or both, or neither.
I'd also add the option to get the mod forts to the main unlock routines in addition to the hull sizes and new hull types, and a set of seven minions to every fabricator
We do err heavily on the side of giving more options rather than less, but we also have to keep it at least somewhat under control or it gets to the point where people don't have the mental energy to deal with the
lobby (in a way that generates a good experience, at least).
So I don't want independent toggles for all the various parts of the champion rewards and responses. Not that you were specifically suggesting that (I think), but just to explain where I'm coming from.
But potentially the alt toggle could be converted to one of those 1-to-10 things (default 1, I think) where:
- XP gain per knowledge is multiplied by intensity
- X*10% more progress towards unlocks per capture (so capturing 2 ARS's on intensity 5 would actually result in 3 rounds of unlocks, rather than the 2 they do now, etc)
- Add a %-progress-shown periodic "champion exo wave" where it just throws a chunk of champions from an AI HW directly at one of your HWs, but on Intensity 1 this is pretty small
- Have the offensive-threat nemesis spawns not occur below Intensity 5, and have them ramp up from there
- Have 1 Mod fort (randomly chosen from the 3) be added into the unlock rotation at Intensity 2, 2 Mod forts at intensity 4, and all 3 at intensity 6
- Have 1 (per intensity) of the "you can build our stuff from here" starbases (chosen at random from the splinter factions, but unique until all are chosen) spawn near your home command station at some point in the unlock rotation. Possibly with the ship caps adjusted, not sure if that will be needed.
That wouldn't add in the Dysons or Enclaves that get rewarded to you from those two specific nebulae scenarios. If that's a big deal I can probably work them in somehow as just one-time spawns on the home command station.