I'm back!
I've essentially been offline for a month (and a bit?) and decided to get back into the swing of things by firing up a new game to have fun with trains.
Having said that, my question actually has to do with the search on the galaxy map.
I'm doing my initial scouting and I've come across LOTS of train stations, and while I was looking at those I found a Raid Engine I'd originally missed.
So, I'm trying to do a search for Raid Engines, but it seems like search is broken. After 15 minutes of messing around, I have figured out that is not actually broken but I really,
really dislike how it is implemented.
Right now, search only displays units on planets that you currently have visibility on. I use Auto-Scouting so I have more planets without visibility then I do with it.
I can see that raid engine on mouse-over of the system, why can't I see it in when I search for it?
In this case I was searching for Raid Engines because I'd already found it by mouse-over, but what if I'd missed it and was doing a check for Raid Engines before I started sending out my attack forces? Search would come back showing no Raid Engines and I would blindly activate it because I did not know it was there.
How I assumed search originally worked was that anything I could see in the system when I was in planet view would show in search, even if I did not have visibility on the planet. So everything that you can see in a 'grayed-out' system when you scout it and then lose visibility would still show in search.
If that's not possible, search needs some sort of indicator in game that it searches planets with visibility
only. It took me 10 to 15 minutes to figure that out because I was so certain that Search would search all units I could see when I was in the planet view regardless of if I had visibility on that planet currently or not.
(Apologies if this has come up already, I've been offline and missed any previous discussion.)
((No, I have not forgotten about the Wiki, hoping to look at that later today.))
edit: Bah, it's on Mantis already.edit the 2nd:
Cargo Train:
Harmless in itself, but each "delivery" contributes towards a counter for that player, and when that fills up (you'll see an alert once it's past 50%) it spawns some surprises. The spawns are unpleasant but not massively so (unless you're on intensity 8 or higher, where you're asking for it).
You.... weren't kidding were you?
That game only lasted an hour.
Fun times though.