I'm seeing exploits already, yes, but they're odd. Random example... I was trying to get the last guy of a unit killed off, he was an assault. The entire team had basically died off to a blocked missile shot and a heavy plasma barrage. I was constantly charging into the middle of 4 mutons, a berzerker, and 3 heavy floaters, and none of them would SHOOT at him. If I can figure out why that'll be one way of really abusing the system. It may simply have been that the AI's rather stupid on Normal, though.
We'll see what happens. The primary block you'll have on impossible is the panic levels of the nations and the forced decisions for abduction missions, countered by your lack of funding to be able to scan and defend most of the member nations. I want to get through the enemy staging however (each of the major missions will up the enemy difficulty) before I bring it back up to classic. Get an idea of what stages trigger what and where I need to be tech-wise for each stage.
.... errrr. sorry, derailing. I'll take it over to the other thread.