Yes it is a doom indeed and I like it. So far I like the new Special Forces Captain AI.
Here's the log:
night! I guess that's what happens when you a 3x multiplier from diff 10 and a 5x multiplier from
2 special forces captains. The thing is spawning over 150 ships
per minute towards the end there. It's a good thing I put a population cap (of about 4000 strength, so 2000 standard-cap ships on Normal-cap-scale) on that so your computer didn't melt
I don't know how you'd make much progress against that; intergalactic sentry eye is right.
Hmm, are they supposed to be getting an order of magnitude higher of standard fighters compared to everything else?
Yep, though it's a bit more complex than that:
From the first entry, which was from a game without special forces captains:
allocating 0.33 out of 1 (11.01 strength) for role: None , eligible types:BomberII, MissileShipII, MLRSII, SpacePlaneII
allocating 0.67 out of 1 (21.94 strength) for role: AntiBomber , eligible types:FighterII
And from the last entry, which was from a game with two special forces captains:
allocating 0.33 out of 1 (169.14 strength) for role: None , eligible types:BomberII, MissileShipII
allocating 0.67 out of 1 (337.17 strength) for role: AntiBomber , eligible types:FighterII, ShieldBoosterII, AcidSprayerII
It would have put some into the other roles too, but it didn't have any ships unlocked that fit them.
So in the first entry, the only anti-bomber ship it has is the fighter, so it picks a lot of fighters. In the second entry it has 3 anti-bomber types (though I may need to tell it not to put armor boosters in that category regardless of how good its vs-polycrystal multiplier is) and spreads out a bit more.
Here's the log:
Okay seriously, what the balls?
allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: CopperPlatedBastard , eligible types:
The "copper-plated" bit is from some Honor Harrington I've been reading lately, though I doubt it originated there. The rest of it... well, there's only one ship type currently considered to fit that role, and I think you'll agree when you find out which it is.