If anyone wants a similar challenge, just send me an uncompressed save game, and I can edit the fields as needed. Just as a note, editing the AI difficulty after map generation will not affect the stuff the AI seeds with. So if you generate the game with lvl. 1 AI, and then up the difficulty later, the AI will still have pathetic amounts on their planets like AI lvl 1s do. Only their future behavior and spawns change.
Anyways, first wave from this game, warning coming up at about 4 minutes
(I have schizo waves on)
143 units Mk. II. 2 starships
Pretty big for a first wave, especially considering that these are mark II units, but nothing insane.
Knowing that low AIP waves tend to be smaller on normal waves than schizo waves (due to that at least some portion of a ship cap rule), I'll try normal waves too.