I read in the thread about threat working differently this quote from Keith:
So there's the waves as probing attacks, which (so long as you have an AI warp gate somewhere on your border) go directly into the teeth of your defenses. Nobody on either side expects those to win a game, they're just there to probe your defenses at different points with different unit combinations and maybe cause a ruckus if you've made a mistake or it lands in the middle of general chaos, etc.
I was just wondering about AI probing attacks, adapting and learning to counter you. So here is my idea for expanding that probing attack concept. Could the success of standard waves be measured? (It's critical to this entire idea) Then used to adapt to your ability to defend. Perhaps as a future AI type: Adaptive
So how do you measure success? I think damage alone would favour bombers blasting away at high health tractors, survival time (of all or just a few 'marked ships') would favour tanks, armoured ships or sneaky cloaked ships evading defences, kill count would favour railpods/snipers/glass cannons... So why not use all of them?
Success = Wave survival time (0-5min, max 1k points) + Damage dealt (0-?? no idea really??, max 1k points) + kills (0-1000kills, max 1k points) + AIP bonus (AIP*2, max 1k points) + Difficulty bonus (0-10, Diff^3 max 1k points)
Success magnitude (0-5ish, points/1000, rounded down) i.e. Always have 1+point Success every wave at diff 10
Failure magnitude (0-5ish, points as above, all except diff+AIP are inversed) ~3+point failure at diff 10, per wave
Adaptations: Randomly choose a different adaptation after each wave is analysed (at 5min after wave)
1. Change wave size/budget (wave interval)
If Success>failure, attack faster with slightly smaller budget (Points converted to budget adjustment)
If failure>success, attack slower with slightly larger budget
2. Change cost of fleetships/starships (reduced costs = more of them)
If Success, future waves with same type have slightly reduced costs (0.1xSuccess%, up to a max of AIP% increase in the effective budget for that ship type)
3. Change weighting of ships.
If Success>failure, pick ships more often (up to 0.5*Difficulty, so max of 5x more often at diff 10)
If failure>success, reduce weighting slightly (Down to 2/Difficulty, min of 1/5 as often at diff 10) OR,
If failure>success, cycle to next ship type
4. Suppliment next waves with a successful ship type
If Success of a ship type > 1, then (Difficulty*Number of successes, max 100)% chance to modify next wave, 1/10 that chance to modify every wave. Adds (AIP/20+Difficulty+No. Successes)% bonus of all successful ship types to next wave. (max bonus being AIP% of normal wave size)
5. Reinforcement pulse of successful ship type
As above, chance to add to planet reinforcements or strategic reserve either in next pulse or all future pulses.
Failed probings?
Each failed probe point (normally every wave) can add:
+1 effective AIP only used for unlocking new ship types, +0.5 at diff7. (scary)
+1% Exo charge (could allow for continually synchronising, rapid exos, probably evil)
+10% wave budget for next wave (potentially problematic but transient)
+5% ships in next wave increase in mk. (potentially problematic but transient)